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Past Life Information & Prices 

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I Am Love

Image by Evie S.

About Past Lives  

Excerpt from
Dissolving the Tangled Web of Illusions©
by Julia Styles©.



Past Lives are my passion and have been virtually all of my life. I love nothing better than showing people how to see their own past or parallel lives or walking through their lives either with or without them, always with permission of course.


Our made-up dream lives of separation from our real Home are scripted by our own pen; they are life-in-between-life agreements, usually in different combinations and characters of our present family, but not restricted to them. At the time of agreement with our Soul group, we all choose to play certain roles in certain lives: We choose either the 'so called good or bad' roles. This way we all get to experience every Earthly experience that can be had.


The Real Truth is that these are dream lives and we truly exist in the only Real reality of Oneness; everything else is a fabrication; a mock-up of this. At Home, in Oneness, we all exist with not just those who we have dreamed have 'passed' or are 'dead,' but all of us. We are both here and simultaneously playing in many other lives, all the time while we are at Home looking in. It is only our dream lives that now need transformation. This mean transforming or clearing all the negative program/emotions that were not able or we did not want to, let go of at the end of each dream life.If the programs/emotions are strong and untransformed they will often drop into our present reality where a morphed version of the old scenario is replayed; these are called imprints or bleeds and our soul has synchronised this match so that the program or issue can have another chance of transformation. Fortunately we are now in the perfect time with the perfect tools and conditions to easily and effectively do this.Our ancient scripts have high and low points but are generally full of suffering and ego scenarios that have had no real solutions. All unresolved issues spill over from one dream life to another in hope of some resolution or revenge. This suffering, caused by failure to remember who we truly are, is fuelled by guilt, which in turn causes more suffering and ensures its continuum.

be here now

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Why NOW is a Good Time
to Transform Past Lives

We are now being earnestly called to dissolve the dreams and return

to our state of Oneness, but this doesn’t mean we have to die to do it. Behind our scripted illusions is the Light of Infinite Presence we all know so well; one we would so willingly surrender to if we allowed ourselves to feel it just a little; one that will gently emerge from the fog as we go through the process of awakening. It has always been here, and we can experience it right here and now, by erasing our own misguided scripts of separateness.

Our human relationships and their scenarios are just repeated imprints of our past life dreams. Our writings are our thoughts, and thoughts turn into matter in the dream. So many of our scenarios arise from un-dissolved and unforgiven imprints or bleeds, that drop into our present lives at an appropriate time and scream for forgiveness or transformation. Any energy unresolved will have to either be played out by giving it the space and opportunity to express itself, or simply by resolving it through acknowledgement, transformation and/or forgiveness. If it is a preferred choice to give an issue space to express itself rather than to forgive it, it has the potential for repetition. 

In the new energy we are being encouraged to transform our Akash quickly and easily so that we can experience the new energy and new Earth. We can also experience a peaceful, loving and abundant life, the preferred one we have waited eons for. 


More writing and information in the Past Life Course Manual
Dissolving the Web of Illusion by Julia Styles© Revised 2023 

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Private 1-1 Online Sessions
& Absent/Distance Sessions with Feedback


About the Sessions

Before a session you will have a choice to either be taken through a Past Life and see or experience it in some way yourself, or wish for Julia to read the past life for you (either 1-1 online or absently).

The sessions are gentle, supportive and safe, you can come out of any past life in a nano second.

Your past lives are like a jigsaw puzzle where many of the pieces cause ah ha moments when found and related to this life.


Meditative, Informative, 

Insightful Sessions

Enjoy one of the many ways to experience a guided past life yourself or have a past life read for you by Julia. Choose your issue or ask your your Akashic Masters what you are needing heal/transform,  see and know right now.


This is a beautiful experience for the receiver and sender; one that can take up to 3 days to intigrate (not always) and for the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle and ah ha moments to fall into place



Investment $150


Feedback for

Absent/Distant Session

Sessions can be held and transmitted to anyone, anywhere in the world with the recipients permission.
The Past Life frequency is not confined or constricted by matter - it is beyond this and a very powerful way to help yourself or someone far away or hospital etc.
Once the pre-determine absent/distant session is over, Julia will contact the person who either asked for it for themselves, or the receiver of the healing/transformation. The feedback is most commonly given by phone but can be email.


Investment $150

Image by Evie S.
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Online Past Life Course
Group & Private 1-1 Mentoring

Past lives

Past Life Course
Groups & 1-1 Course Mentoring

Expand your psychic muscle & consciousness

Discover and clear ancient & present day blocks

Meet many other aspects of yourself in from past, future, the cosmos and in parallel lives.

Heal, expand and transform as you fill in the pieces of your once mysterious jigsaw puzzle of life. Align with the New energy frequency on the planet..
Enjoy this wonderful Course that has also has a uniquely, meaningful business opportunity

Restoring the Present

Online Group Price 


Enjoy interacting and creating community with like-minded others in this powerful, small online course.



$999 AUD

Paid in full or
Deposit $159 +

7 Instalments $120

Online 1-1 Personal
Course Mentoring  Price


Enjoy the private mentoring with this  self-paced empowering, online course . 




$1.300 AUDPaid in full or
sit $250
+ 7 Instalments $150



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