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About Holistic Grief Support
& Specialist Co-ordinator
Narelle Hayes

I Am Love


Narelle Hayes
Narelle is a compassionate breath-work
Becoming Quantum Facilitator at
 New Energy Transformation
specialising in Grief Support

who is able to assist with the

loss and grief during bereavement


Are you Grieving

the Loss of a
Loved One or Pet?

Are you in shock, not coping

confused and stuck?
Do you need help?

Maybe Narelle can help with this gentle, unique technique..


This unique breath work is an easy, gentle and effective way to assist with all emotional problems,

 including the debilitating grief of losing a loved one. 

Layer by layer it gently begins to transform grief that can enable you to take small steps forward, with a little more clarity and hope each time. It can assist you to begin to cope with life again.

Narelle is able to help because, when you are in fight or flight mode, your mind and body automatically go into survival mode, placing you on guard and anxious. This breathing technique can assist to bring you out of this mode quickly and gently. 

While being in this state you are unable to heal and transform and alternately change. Being in this fearful place leads you to seek help from others rather than feel empowered to access the empowerment within yourself. During this time, you are operating on automatic pilot, taking you out of the present moment and going through emotions, unaware of what you are doing. The easy breathing technique will bring you back to the present moment, giving you relief from the constant emotional turmoil and can gently help you to make small, forward steps in your life. 

About the Unique Breath-Work

Who Narelle Can Assist

Children, Teenagers, Parent, Grandparents
Extended Family, Friends, Co-workers

Emergency Services Workers
Relatives & friends  of Dementia & Alzheimer
(living or passed)
Carriers, Missing People
Those stuck in complicated Grief

Anyone close to your heart

Violet and deep purple v-shaped logo, Violet Wellbeing with Narelle Hayes, I Am Love
Writing, Affiliation with the Ivy Barclay Foundation, I Am Love
Photo of Ivy Barclay Foundation Logo, at I Am Love

I Am Love

About Narelle Hayes
Holistic Grief Support Co-ordinator

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Narelle Hayes
Narelle  Hayes from Violet Wellbeing©
is a compassionate breath-work

Becoming Quantum Facilitator at
 New Energy Transformation
specialising in Grief Support

who is able to assist with the loss and grief during bereavement


Narelle's Journey

In was 2016 that Narelle Hayes lost someone extremely dear and close to her and although she thought she was doing okay with her grief since their passing, Narelle felt there was something holding her back.

She could never pinpoint what it was; it was just always there. Since completing both Level 1 and 2 of the Quantum breathwork she learned how to observe, breathe and transform them out and the feeling of something holding her back has now since gone.

Narelle has a strong understanding of loss and the grieving process and how it is so different for everyone.

Losing a loved on is  a very lonely and isolating experience with little support available, thankfully Narelle is wonderful at assisting others though their journey with compassion, kindness and a very caring nature.

Narelle is the Becoming Quantum Breath-work Grief Coordinator at I Am Love©

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My Beloved Corgi


It never occurred to me when we started 2024 that within a couple of weeks l would be making a major decision to send my beloved fur baby and loyal companion of 15 years home to rest for eternity. While waiting for our vet to arrive l hoped and prayed there would be another solution and my trusty friend would remain by my side. However, this was not to be!  

Completing Level 1 and Level 2 Quantum and learning how to transform and release negative emotions by using a unique breath technique has been beneficial during this time, feelings of sadness start to become feelings of inner peace knowing that although my heart breaks my mate is no longer suffering. 

Every negative emotion stem from fear when dealing with loss the feeling of suddenly being alone can become very intense and overwhelming. The Quantum breathe work can help by slowly replacing the feeling of being alone with a feeling of inner peace bringing you into the present moment and not focusing on the sadness or reliving the circumstances or situation surrounding your loss.

Learning the unique breath technique helps me know that even though l can no longer physically see my beautiful fur baby he will be forever by my side until we are once again reunited.

Narelle  2024

Narelle's recent loss of her beloved dog was softened and eased considerably by her ability to use the gentle &  unique Becoming Quantum breath work. As the grief subsided she has since found herself in a peaceful loving space.

Please contact Narelle if you would like some help after your beloved pets transition

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The Creators & Facilitators of any modalities offered on this site , are not qualified councillors, 
psychologists or have medical. qualifications

aThey are not dispensing medical advice as a diagnosis or prescription, directly or indirectly. This work is not a substitute for medical intervention. It is purely a complimentary option to assist those who feel the need for holistic support.



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